Working with expressions community

I am excited to be part of a unique program just launched by EXPRESSIONS Gallery in Chatham, MA.  Expressions Community is a group of like-minded photographers participating in a year-long journey to enhance our photographic lives through intention and connection.

Through this program, we are each working on our own creative photography project. My project is titled “Beyond the Fence: Boundaries and Connection in Challenging Times.” A brief introduction to this project is available with those of the other photographers at Expressions Community. I feel like we are in such challenging and divisive times. Through these images, I will be exploring how fences can show the need for separation and individualization while also appreciating the desire for community and connection.

For those of you who follow me on Instagram (@emorypetrack), I hope you will also visit the pages of my talented fellow participants: Lisa Allocca @lisaalloccaphotos, Michelle Aronson @maronson, Michael Bennick @bennickmichael, Kelly Burneson @kburnesonphotography, Nora Donoher @ndonoher, Reenie Murphy @reenie.murphy, Rick O’Connor @cacoma_roc, Erica Sloan, and Michelle Starks @beyond_travel_photography.

Expressions Community Images

Emory Petrack/ Rick O’Connor

Kelly Burneson/ Michelle Starks

Lisa Allocca/ Michael Bennick

Nora Donoher/ Rennie Murphy

Erica Sloan/ Michelle Aronson


Boston camera club exhibit at the wellesley library


Looking Back with Gratitude, Looking Forward with Excitement